And that means you're probably getting ready to attend your office holiday party. The New York Times has a handy guide on how to keep your office party from ruining your career. Here are a few of the highlights:
- Limit your alcohol intake. Having a few drinks is fine, but imbibing too much and potentially letting loose about all the problems in the office is a recipe for disaster.
- Use the party to network. Is there someone in your office you haven't met yet? Is there a supervisor or manager you'd like to work for? Use party time to have a casual conversation with that person.
- Follow the rules. If your boss sets expectations for the party, make sure your behavior aligns with those expectations. In other words, if you get a drink ticket for two drinks, don't ask the bartender for more.
- Don't use the party as a sounding board. If you have complaints or concerns about your workplace, the holiday party is probably not the best place to bring those up. Table the issue and bring it up with your supervisor or someone in Human Resources the following week.
- On the other hand.... If someone acts inappropriately toward you at the party, speak up. There are countless stories of coworkers and managers having too much to drink and making a pass or saying something inappropriate. Let them know (in a respectful way) that their behavior is not okay, and be sure to mention the issue to a supervisor or to someone in Human Resources (again, as respectfully as possible).
We hope you enjoy the holiday season and have as much fun as you can at your office holiday party!